Quickstart ========== A quick example of sampling of a workflow for loading data from a Matlab file, doing time-frequency analysis, and plotting .. code-block:: python from spynal.matIO import loadmat from spynal.spectra import spectrogram, plot_spectrogram # Load LFP data from a Matlab .mat file lfp, timepts = loadmat(datafile.mat, variables=['lfp','timepts']) # Compute time-frequency (spectrogram) power using wavelet transform spec, freqs, timepts = spectrogram(lfp, smp_rate, axis=0, method='wavelet', spec_type='power') # Plot time-frequency power as a heatmap plot_spectrogram(timepts, freqs, spec, cmap='viridis') A more extensive tutorial covering all the basic Spynal functionality can be found in this `notebook `_