
Users can install the most recent stable release using pip or install the latest updates from the Github repository

pip install

This is recommended for end users who prefer a simple installation and don’t require the latest updates

  • Open a terminal window, navigate to folder you want repository to live under (cd “parent directory”)

  • Run: pip install spynal

Install from source (Github)

This is recommended for developers and for end users that would like access to the latest updates

Download repository

Install package

  • Navigate into the newly-created spynal folder (cd “parent directory”/spynal)

  • For end users: at command line, run: python install

  • For developers: at command line, run: python develop

    (this will allow you to edit the library without reinstalling)


Once the package is installed, you should now be able to directly import spynal and its modules/functions in your code/notebooks in any of the standard Python ways:

import spynal
import spynal as spy
import spynal.spectra as spectra
from spynal.spectra import spectrogram