Randomization statistics (spynal.randstats)

Nonparametric randomization, permutation (shuffle), and bootstrap statistics


Functionality for hypothesis significance testing and confidence interval computation based on random resampling of the observed data. This uses the data itself to generate an expected distribution for the null hypothesis, and does not rely on any specific assumptions about the form of the data distribution(s).

Users interested in non-randomization (eg rank-based) nonparametric methods are encouraged to look at the statsmodels package. Users interested in traditional parametric methods are encouraged to look at the scipy.stats submodule.

Includes tests/confints for several common data schemes:

  • one-sample (are data values different from 0 or baseline?)

  • paired-sample difference (are paired data observations different?)

  • paired-sample association (are paired data observations correlated?)

  • two-sample difference (are two groups/conditions of data different?)

  • one-way difference (is there some difference between multiple groups/conditions of data?)

  • two-way analysis (for data varying along 2 dims, are there diff’s along each and/or interaction?)

Most significance tests include options for either permutation (shuffle) or bootstrap methods.

All functions can compute tests/confints based on random resampling of a default statistic typical for given data scheme (eg t-statistic, F-statistic) or on any custom user-input statistic.

For data not conforming to the above schemes, there is also direct access to low-level functions for generating samples for permutations or bootstraps in your own code.

Most functions perform operations in a mass-univariate manner. This means that rather than embedding function calls in for loops over channels, timepoints, etc., like this:

for channel in channels:
    for timepoint in timepoints:
        results[timepoint,channel] = compute_something(data[timepoint,channel])

You can instead execute a single call on ALL the data, labeling the relevant axis for the computation (usually trials/observations here), and it will run in parallel (vectorized) across all channels, timepoints, etc. in the data, like this:

results = compute_something(data, axis)

Function list

Hypothesis tests

  • one_sample_test : Random-sign/bootstrap 1-sample tests (~ 1-sample t-test)

  • paired_sample_test : Permutation/bstrap paired-sample difference tests (~ paired t-test)

  • paired_sample_test_labels : Same, but with (data,labels) arg format instead of (data1,data2)

  • paired_sample_association_test : Perm/bstrap paired-sample association tests (~ correlation)

  • paired_sample_association_test_labels : Same, but with (data,labels) arg format

  • two_sample_test : Permutation/bootstrap for all 2-sample tests (~ 2-sample t-test)

  • two_sample_test_labels : Same, but with (data,labels) arg format instead of (data1,data2)

  • one_way_test : Permutation 1-way multi-level test (~ 1-way ANOVA/F-test)

  • two_way_test : Perm 2-way multi-level/multi-factor test (~ 2-way ANOVA/F-test)

Confidence intervals

  • one_sample_confints : Bootstrap confidence intervals for any one-sample stat

  • paired_sample_confints : Bootstrap confidence intervals for any paired-sample stat

  • two_sample_confints : Bootstrap confidence intervals for any two-sample stat

Function reference

one_sample_test(data, axis=0, method='randomization', mu=0, stat='t', tail='both', n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate 1-sample test of whether any arbitrary 1-sample stat (eg mean) is different from a given value mu, often 0 (analogous to 1-sample t-test).

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data to run test on

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str) –

    Resampling paradigm to use for test:

  • mu (float, default: 0) – Expected value of stat under the null hypothesis (usually 0)

  • stat (str or callable, default: 't') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier:

    • ’t’ : 1-sample t-statistic

    • ’mean’ : mean across observations

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take single array argument (data) with axis corresponding to trials/observations, and return a scalar value (for each independent data series if multiple given).

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'both' (2-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced observations axis from output.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – p values from test. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples-1,…), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_resamples-1.


p = one_sample_test(data, return_stats=False)

p, stat_obs, stat_resmp = one_sample_test(data, return_stats=True)

paired_sample_test(data1, data2, axis=0, method='permutation', d=0, stat='t', tail='both', n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate paired-sample test of whether any arbitrary statistic (eg mean) differs between paired samples (analogous to paired-sample t-test)

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two groups to compare. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two groups to compare. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str) –

    Resampling paradigm to use for test:

  • d (float, Default: 0) – Expected value of stat under null distribution (usually 0)

  • stat (str or callable, default: 't') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier:

    • ’t’ : paired t-statistic

    • ’mean’/’meandiff’ : mean of pair differences

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take single array argument (equal to differences between paired samples, with axis corresponding to trials/observations) and return a scalar value for each independent data series. NOTE: Custom function should take single array = data1 - data2

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'both' (2-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced observations axis from output.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – p values from test. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples-1,…), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_resamples-1.

paired_sample_test_labels(data, labels, axis=0, method='permutation', groups=None, **kwargs)

Alternative interface to paired_sample_test() that allows arguments of form (data,labels) instead of (data1,data2)

Only parameters differing from paired_sample_test() are described here.

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,N,...).) – Data from both groups to run test on. Arbitrary shape, but both groups must have the same n (n1 = n2 = N/2).

  • labels (array-like, shape=(N,)) – Group labels for each observation (trial), identifying which group/condition each observation belongs to.

  • groups (array-like, shape=(n_groups,), optional, default: np.unique(labels)) – List of labels for each group (condition). Used to test only a subset (pair) of multi-value labels.

paired_sample_association_test(data1, data2, axis=0, method='permutation', stat='r', tail='both', n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass bivariate test of association (eg correlation) between two paired samples

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two groups to compare. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two groups to compare. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str, default: 'permutation') –

    Resampling paradigm to use for test:

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'r') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier:

    • ’r’/’pearson’ : Standard Pearson product-moment correlation

    • ’rho’/’spearman’: Spearman rank correlation

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take two array arguments (data1,data2) with axis corresponding to trials/observations and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'both' (2-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced observations axis from output.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – p values from test. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples-1,…), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_resamples-1.

paired_sample_association_test_labels(data, labels, axis=0, method='permutation', groups=None, **kwargs)

Alternative interface to paired_sample_association_test() that allows arguments of form (data,labels) instead of (data1,data2)

Only parameters differing from paired_sample_association_test() are described here.

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,N,...).) – Data from both groups to run test on. Arbitrary shape, but both groups must have the same n (n1 = n2 = N/2).

  • labels (array-like, shape=(N,)) – Group labels for each observation (trial), identifying which group/condition each observation belongs to.

  • groups (array-like, shape=(n_groups,), optional, default: np.unique(labels)) – List of labels for each group (condition). Used to test only a subset (pair) of multi-value labels.

two_sample_test(data1, data2, axis=0, method='permutation', stat='t', tail='both', n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate two-sample test of whether any arbitrary statistic differs between two non-paired samples (analogous to 2-sample t-test)

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n1,...)) – Data from one group to compare

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n2,...)) – Data from a second group to compare. Need not have the same n as data1, but all other dim’s must be same size/shape.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str) –

    Resampling paradigm to use for test:

  • d (float, Default: 0) – Expected value of stat under null distribution (usually 0)

  • stat (str or callable, default: 't') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier:

    • ’t’ : 2-sample t-statistic

    • ’meandiff’ : group difference in means

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take single array argument (equal to differences between paired samples, with axis corresponding to trials/observations) and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'both' (2-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced observations axis from output.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – p values from test. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples-1,…), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_resamples-1.

two_sample_test_labels(data, labels, axis=0, method='permutation', groups=None, **kwargs)

Altenative interface to two_sample_test() that allows arguments of form (data,labels) instead of (data1,data2)

Only parameters differing from two_sample_test() are described here.

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,N,...).) – Data from both groups to run test on. Arbitrary shape, but both groups must have the same n (n1 = n2 = N/2).

  • labels (array-like, shape=(N,)) – Group labels for each observation (trial), identifying which group/condition each observation belongs to.

  • groups (array-like, shape=(n_groups,), optional, default: np.unique(labels)) – List of labels for each group (condition). Used to test only a subset (pair) of multi-value labels.

one_way_test(data, labels, axis=0, method='permutation', stat='F', tail='right', groups=None, n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate test on any arbitrary 1-way statistic with multiple groups/levels (analogous to F-test in a 1-way ANOVA)

Wrapper around functions for specific one-way tests. See those for details.

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,N,...)) – Data to run test on

  • labels (array-like, shape=(N,)) – Group labels for each observation (trial), identifying which group (factor level) each observation belongs to.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str) – Resampling paradigm to use for test. Currently only ‘permutation’ implemented.

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'F') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier: ‘F’ : F-statistic

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take data array (data) with <axis> corresponding to trials/observations and labels arguments (labels) and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'right' (1-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

    Note: For F-test, only right-tailed test really makes sense bc F distn only has positive values and right-sided tailed

  • groups (array-like, shape=(n_groups,), optional, default: np.unique(labels)) – List of labels for each group (condition). Used to test only a subset of labels.

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced observations axis from output.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – p values from test. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples-1,…), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_resamples-1.

two_way_test(data, labels, axis=0, method='permutation', stat='F', tail='right', groups=None, n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate test on any arbitrary 2-way statistic with multiple groups/levels (analogous to F-test in a 2-way ANOVA)

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,N,...)) – Data to run test on

  • labels (array-like, shape=(n,n_terms=2|3) array-like) – Group labels for each observation, identifying which group (factor level) each observation belongs to, for each model term. First two columns correspond to model main effects; optional third column corresponds to interaction term.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • method (str) – Resampling paradigm to use for test. Currently only ‘permutation’ implemented.

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'F') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier: ‘F’ : F-statistic

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take data array (data) with <axis> corresponding to trials/observations and labels arguments (labels) and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • tail ({'both','right','left'}, default: 'right' (1-tailed test)) –

    Specifies tail of test to perform:

    • ’both’ : 2-tail test – test for abs(stat_obs) > abs(stat_resmp)

    • ’right’ : right-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs > stat_resmp

    • ’left’ : left-sided 1-tail test – tests for stat_obs < stat_resmp

    Note: For F-test, only right-tailed test really makes sense bc F distn only has positive values and right-sided tailed

  • groups (array_like, shape=(n_terms,) of [array-like, shape=(n_groups(term),)], default: all) – List of group labels to use for each for each model term. Used to test only a subset of labels. Default to using all values in labels.

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If True, returns p values, observed stats, and resampled stats. If False, only returns p values.

  • keepdims (True) – NOTE: This arg not used here; only here to maintain same API with other stat func’s.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • p (ndarray, shape=(…,n_terms,…)) – p values from test. Same shape as data, with axis reduced to length n_terms.

  • stat_obs (ndarray, shape=(…,n_terms,…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same shape as p.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_terms,…,n_resamples-1), optional) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, but axis has length n_terms and a new axis of length n_resamples-1 is appended to end of array. NOTE: axis for resamples is different from all other functions bc we need to accomodate both resample and terms dimensions here.

one_sample_confints(data, axis=0, stat='mean', confint=0.95, n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, return_sorted=True, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate bootstrap confidence intervals of any arbitrary 1-sample stat (eg mean). Analogous to SEM/parametric confidence intervals.

  • data (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data to compute confints on. Arbitrary shape.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'mean') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier: mean’ : mean across observations

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take single array argument (data) with axis corresponding to trials/observations, and return a scalar value (for each independent data series if multiple given).

  • confint (float, default: 0.95 (95% confidence interval)) – Confidence interval to compute, expressed as decimal value in range 0-1. Typical values are 0.68 (to approximate SEM), 0.95 (95% confint), and 0.99 (99%)

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If False, only return confidence intervals. If True, also return statistic computed on observed data, and full distribution of resample statistic.

  • return_sorted (bool, default: True) – If True, return stat_resmp sorted by value. If False, return stat_resmp unsorted (ordered by resample number), which is useful if you want to keep each resampling for all mass-univariate data series’s together.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in stat_obs. If False, removes reduced observations axis from stat_obs.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • confints (ndarray, shape=(…,2,…)) – Computed bootstrap confidence intervals. Same size as data, with axis reduced to length 2 = [lower,upper] confidence interval.

  • stat_obs (float or ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples,…)) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, with axis now having length=n_resamples.

paired_sample_confints(data1, data2, axis=0, stat='mean', confint=0.95, n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, return_sorted=True, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate bootstrap confidence intervals of any arbitrary paired-sample stat (eg mean difference). Analogous to SEM/parametric confidence intervals.

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two paired groups. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n,...)) – Data from two paired groups. Shape is arbitrary, but must be same for data1,2.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'mean') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier: ‘mean’ : mean difference between paired observations

    Or as a custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take single array argument (equal to differences between paired samples, with axis corresponding to trials/observations) and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • confint (float, default: 0.95 (95% confidence interval)) – Confidence interval to compute, expressed as decimal value in range 0-1. Typical values are 0.68 (to approximate SEM), 0.95 (95% confint), and 0.99 (99%)

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If False, only return confidence intervals. If True, also return statistic computed on observed data, and full distribution of resample statistic.

  • return_sorted (bool, default: True) – If True, return stat_resmp sorted by value. If False, return stat_resmp unsorted (ordered by resample number), which is useful if you want to keep each resampling for all mass-univariate data series’s together.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in stat_obs. If False, removes reduced observations axis from stat_obs.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • confints (ndarray, shape=(…,2,…)) – Computed bootstrap confidence intervals. Same size as data, with axis reduced to length 2 = [lower,upper] confidence interval.

  • stat_obs (ndarray, shape=(…,1,…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. Same size as data, with axis reduced to length 1.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples,…)) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, with axis now having length=n_resamples.

two_sample_confints(data1, data2, axis=0, stat='meandiff', confint=0.95, n_resamples=10000, seed=None, return_stats=False, return_sorted=True, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Mass univariate bootstrap confidence intervals of any arbitrary 2-sample stat (eg difference in group means). Analogous to SEM/parametric confidence intervals.

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n1,...)) – Data from one group to compare

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n2,...)) – Data from a second group to compare. Need not have the same n as data1, but all other dim’s must be same size/shape.

  • axis (int, default: 0 (1st axis)) – Axis of data corresponding to distinct trials/observations.

  • stat (str or callable, default: 'meandiff') –

    Statistic to compute and resample. Can be given as a string specifier: ‘meandiff’ : difference between group means

    Or as custom function to generate resampled statistic of interest. Should take two array arguments (data1,2) and axis corresponding to trials/observations and return a scalar value for each independent data series.

  • confint (float, default: 0.95 (95% confidence interval)) – Confidence interval to compute, expressed as decimal value in range 0-1. Typical values are 0.68 (to approximate SEM), 0.95 (95% confint), and 0.99 (99%)

  • n_resamples (int, default: 10000) – Number of random resamplings to perform for test (should usually be >= 10000 if feasible)

  • seed (int, default: None) – Random generator seed for repeatable results. Set=None for unseeded random numbers.

  • return_stats (bool, default: False) – If False, only return confidence intervals. If True, also return statistic computed on observed data, and full distribution of resample statistic.

  • return_sorted (bool, default: True) – If True, return stat_resmp sorted by value. If False, return stat_resmp unsorted (ordered by resample number), which is useful if you want to keep each resampling for all mass-univariate data series’s together.

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced observations axis as length-one axes in stat_obs. If False, removes reduced observations axis from stat_obs.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed directly to callable stat function


  • confints (ndarray, shape=(…,2,…)) – Computed bootstrap confidence intervals. Same size as data, with axis reduced to length 2 = [lower,upper] confidence interval.

  • stat_obs (float orndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Statistic values for actual observed data. For 1d data, returned as scalar value. For n-d data, it has same shape as data, with axis reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True, or with axis removed if keepdims is False.

  • stat_resmp (ndarray, shape=(…,n_resamples,…)) – Distribution of statistic values for all resamplings of data. Same size as data, with axis now having length=n_resamples.