Oscillatory neural synchrony (spynal.sync)

Analysis of oscillatory neural synchrony

This module is the base module for the sync module. It contains all the high-level API functions. Lower-level functions can be found in the other sync modules.


Contains functionality for computing oscillatory neural synchrony between pairs of continuous signals (LFPs/EEGs/etc.) or between pairs of spiking and continuous signals (ie spike-LFP pair).

Currently two types of synchrony methods, based on different theoretical frameworks, are available. Coherence is based on the theory of linear stochastic processes, and is a frequency-domain analog of standard (Pearson) correlation. Phase-based methods (phase-locking value, pairwise phase consistency) are based on circular statistics, and are closely related to the length of the vector average of the relative phases of a signal pair (eg phase difference between LFP pair or spike-triggered LFP phase).

Input data (for most functions) can either be raw data or data already spectrally-transformed (using either functionality in the spynal.spectra module or users’ own custom code). In either case, any synchrony method can be combined with any underlying spectral method (eg wavelet, multitaper, or bandfilter).

NOTE: Unlike other spynal functions that can run in parallel across multiple channels (“mass-univariate” analysis), these functions are currently set up to compute synchrony on only a single pair of channels (2 LFPs or spike/LFP pair) at once.

Nevertheless, sync functions can perform operations in a mass-bivariate manner over all other dimension. This means that rather than embedding function calls in for loops over frequencies, timepoints, etc., like this:

for f in frequencies:
    for t in timepoints:
        results[f,t] = compute_something(data[f,t],data2[f,t])

You can instead execute a single call on ALL the data, labeling the relevant axis for the computation (usually trials/observations here), and it will run in parallel (vectorized) across all frequencies, timepoints, etc. in the data, like this:

results = compute_something(data1, data2, axis)

Function list

General synchrony functions

  • synchrony : General synchrony between pair of analog channels using given method

  • spike_field_coupling : General spike-field coupling/synchrony btwn spike/LFP pair

  • simulate_multichannel_oscillation : Generates simulated oscillatory paired data

Coherence analysis (sync.coherence)

  • coherence : Time-frequency coherence between pair of analog channels

  • spike_field_coherence : Spike-field coherence between a spike/LFP pair

  • ztransform_coherence : Z-transform coherence so ~ normally distributed

Phase-based synchrony analysis (sync.phasesync)

  • plv : Phase locking value (PLV) between pair of analog channels

  • ppc : Pairwise phase consistency (PPC) btwn pair of analog channels

  • spike_field_plv : Spike-field PLV between a spike/LFP pair

  • spike_field_ppc : Spike-field PPC between a spike/LFP pair

Function reference

synchrony(data1, data2, axis=0, method='PPC', return_phase=False, single_trial=None, data_type=None, spec_method='wavelet', smp_rate=None, time_axis=None, taper_axis=None, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Compute measure of synchrony between pair of channels of continuous (eg LFP) raw or spectral (time-frequency) data, using given estimation method

  • data1 (ndarray, shape=(...,n_obs,...), dtype=float or complex) –

    Single-channel continuous (eg LFP) data for 2 distinct channels. Can be given as raw LFPs or complex-valued time-frequency transform.

    Trial/observation axis is assumed to be axis 0 unless given in axis. For raw data, axis corresponding to time must be given in time_axis.

    Other than those constraints, data can have arbitrary shape, with analysis performed in mass-bivariate fashion independently along each dimension other than observation axis (eg different frequencies, timepoints, conditions, etc.)

  • data2 (ndarray, shape=(...,n_obs,...), dtype=float or complex) –

    Single-channel continuous (eg LFP) data for 2 distinct channels. Can be given as raw LFPs or complex-valued time-frequency transform.

    Trial/observation axis is assumed to be axis 0 unless given in axis. For raw data, axis corresponding to time must be given in time_axis.

    Other than those constraints, data can have arbitrary shape, with analysis performed in mass-bivariate fashion independently along each dimension other than observation axis (eg different frequencies, timepoints, conditions, etc.)

  • axis (scalar, default: 0) – Axis corresponding to distinct observations/trials

  • method ({'PPC','PLV','coherence'}, default: 'PPC') –

    Synchrony estimation method:

    • ’PPC’ : Pairwise Phase Consistency, measure of phase synchrony (see ppc())

    • ’PLV’ : Phase Locking Value, measure of phase synchrony (see plv())

    • ’coherence’ : coherence, measure of linear oscillatory coupling (see coherence())

  • return_phase (bool, default: False) – If False, only return measure of synchrony magnitude/strength between data1 and data2. If True, also returns mean phase difference (or coherence phase) between data1 and data2 (in radians) in additional output.

  • single_trial (str or None, default: None) –

    What type of coherence estimator to compute:

    • None : standard across-trial estimator

    • ’pseudo’ : single-trial estimates using jackknife pseudovalues

    • ’richter’ : single-trial estimates using actual jackknife estimates cf. Richter 2015

  • data_type ({'raw','spectral'}, default: assume 'raw' if data is real; 'spectral' if complex) – What kind of data is input: ‘raw’ or ‘spectral’?

  • spec_method ({'wavelet','multitaper','bandfilter'}, default: 'wavelet') – Method to use for spectral analysis (only used for raw data)

  • smp_rate (scalar) – Sampling rate of data (only needed for raw data)

  • time_axis (int) – Axis of data corresponding to time (only needed for raw data)

  • taper_axis (int) – Axis of spectral data corresponding to tapers (only needed for multitaper spectral data)

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced trial and/or taper axes as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced trial,taper axes from outputs.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed as-is to specific synchrony estimation function.


  • sync (ndarray, shape=) – Synchrony magnitude/strength (PPC/PLV/coherence) between data1 and data2. If data is spectral, this has same shape as data, but with axis reduced to a singleton or removed, depending on value of keepdims. If data is raw, this has same shape as data with axis reduced or removed and a new frequency axis inserted immediately before time_axis.

  • freqs (ndarray, shape=(n_freqs,)) – List of frequencies in sync. Only returned for raw data, [] otherwise.

  • timepts (ndarray, shape=(n_timepts_out,)) – List of timepoints in sync (in s, referenced to start of data). Only returned for raw data, [] otherwise.

  • dphi (ndarray, optional) – Mean phase difference (or coherence phase) between data1 and data2 in radians. Same shape as sync. Positive values correspond to data1 leading data2. Negative values correspond to data1 lagging behind data2. Optional: Only returned if return_phase is True.


sync, freqs, timepts = synchrony(data1, data2, axis=0, method=’PPC’, return_phase=False)

sync, freqs, timepts, dphi = synchrony(data1, data2, axis=0, method=’PPC’, return_phase=True)


spike_field_coupling(spkdata, lfpdata, axis=0, method='PPC', return_phase=False, time_axis=None, taper_axis=None, timepts=None, data_type=None, spec_method='multitaper', smp_rate=None, keepdims=True, **kwargs)

Computs measure of pairwise coupling between a pair of spike and continuous (eg LFP) raw or spectral (time-frequency) data, using given estimation method

  • spkdata (ndarray, shape=(...,n_obs,...), dtype=bool) –

    Single-channel binary spike trains (with 1’s labelling spike times, 0’s otherwise).

    For coherence: Can be given either as raw binary spike trains or as their spectral transform, but must have same data type (raw or spectral) and shape as lfpdata.

    For PLV/PPC: Shape is arbitrary, but MUST have same shape as lfpdata for raw lfpdata, and same dimensionality as lfpdata for spectral lfpdata. Thus, if lfpdata is spectral, must pre-pend singleton (length-1) axis to spkdata to match (eg using np.newaxis).

  • lfpdata (ndarray, shape=(...,n_obs,...)) –

    Single-channel continuous (eg LFP) data. Can be given as raw LFPs or complex-valued time-frequency transform.

    Trial/observation axis is assumed to be axis 0 unless given in axis. For raw data, axis corresponding to time must be given in time_axis.

    Other than those constraints, data can have arbitrary shape, with analysis performed in mass-bivariate fashion independently along each axis other than observation axis (eg different frequencies, timepoints, conditions, etc.)

  • axis (int, default: 0) – Axis corresponding to distinct observations/trials

  • method ({'PPC','PLV','coherence'}, default: 'PPC') –

    Spike-field coupling estimation method

  • return_phase (bool, default: False) – If False, only return measure of synchrony magnitude/strength between data1 and data2. If True, also returns mean LFP phase of spikes (or coherence phase) in additional output.

  • time_axis (int) – Axis of data corresponding to time. Required input for phase-based methods (PLV/PPC). For coherence, only needed for data_type = ‘raw’ AND spec_method = ‘multitaper’.

  • taper_axis (int) – Axis of spectral data corresponding to tapers. Only needed for multitaper spectral data.

  • timepts (array-like, shape=(n_timepts,), default: (0 - n_timepts-1)/smp_rate) – Time sampling vector for data. Default value starts at 0, with spacing = 1/smp_rate. For phase methods, should be in same time units as width/spacing/lims or timewins.

  • data_type ({'raw','spectral'}, default: assume 'raw' if data is real; 'spectral' if complex) – What kind of data is input: ‘raw’ or ‘spectral’?

  • spec_method ({'wavelet','multitaper','bandfilter'}, default: 'wavelet') – Method to use for (or already used for) spectral analysis. NOTE: Must be input for multitaper spectral data, so taper axis is handled appropriately. Otherwise, only used for raw data.

  • smp_rate (scalar) – Sampling rate of data (only needed for raw data)

  • keepdims (bool, default: True) – If True, retains reduced trial and/or taper axes as length-one axes in output. If False, removes reduced trial,taper axes from outputs.

  • **kwargs – All other kwargs passed as-is to specific synchrony estimation function.


  • sync (ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…)) – Magnitude/strength of spike-field coupling (coherence or PLV/PPC magnitude).

    For phase-based methods, time windows without any spikes are set = np.nan.

    If lfpdata is spectral, this has same shape as lfpdata, but time axis reduced to n_timewins and with axis (and taper_axis as well for multitaper) reduced to length 1 if keepdims is True or removed if keepdims is False.

    If lfpdata is raw, this has the same shape as described above for spectral data, but with a new frequency axis (and also a taper axis if spec_method`=’multitaper) inserted immediately before time_axis.

  • freqs (ndarray, shape=(n_freqs,)) – List of frequencies in sync. Only returned for raw data, [] otherwise.

  • timepts (ndarray, shape=(n_timepts,)) – List of timepoints in sync (in s, referenced to start of data). Only returned for raw data, [] otherwise.

  • n (ndarray, shape=(n_timepts,), dtype=int) – Number of spikes contributing to synchrony computations. Value only returned for phase-based measures (PLV/PPC), for coherence, returns None.

  • phi (ndarray, shape=(…,[1,]…), optional) – Mean phase of LFPs at spike times (or phase of complex coherency) in radians. Same shape as sync. Optional: Only returned if return_phase is True.


sync,freqs,timepts,n = spike_field_coupling(spkdata,lfpdata,return_phase=False)

sync,freqs,timepts,n,phi = spike_field_coupling(spkdata,lfpdata,return_phase=True)

simulate_multichannel_oscillation(n_chnls, *args, **kwargs)

Generate synthetic multichannel data with oscillations at given parameters.

For each channel, generate multiple trials with constant oscillatory signal + random additive Gaussian noise. Parameters can be shared across channels or set independently for each channel.

  • n_chnls (int) – Number of channels to simulate

  • *args

  • **kwargs

    Rest of place and keyword arguments are passed to simulate_oscillation() for each channel. Each argument can be given in one of two forms:

    1. Scalar. A single value equivalent to the same argument to simulate_oscillation(). That same value will be copied for all n_chnls channels.

    2. Array-like, shape=(n_chnls,). List with different values for each channel, which will be iterated through.

    See simulate_oscillation() for details on arguments.

    Exceptions: If a value is set for seed, it will be used to set the random number generator only ONCE at the start of this function, so that the generation of all channel signals follow a reproducible random sequence.

    Simulated data must have same shape for all channels, so all channels must have the same value set for time_range, smp_rate, and n_trials.


data – Simulated multichannel data

Return type:

ndarray, shape=(n_timepts,n_trials,n_chnls)